Saturday, August 05, 2006

Two Sketchclub "Marks"

It's been awhile since I've gone to Sketchclub, but I was able to go the last two weeks in a row. I'm never too happy with my coloring, but the drawings were fun. I usually really like the sketchy lines and the swooping shapes, but sometimes I want a nice rendered piece. That takes so long to do though, and I always mess it up. Someday I'll get it! You'll see!


S.T. Lewis said...

These are awesome! I didn't see the guys, but I'm sure this is what they looked like. Good work.

Sam Nielson said...

Guy on the left is my favorite. I swear I've seen him before.

Ken Chandler said...

Really terrific sketches. My favorite is the kid with the goldenrod headband. He's built out of so many great shapes! Nice colors too! Great blog!

Hans said...

Very nice sketches and great characters. Especially love the rough lines on the top one.
